FLV Video Player 1.8.0.Apps apk

Play your flv files from your SD-card with this simple player.
You don't need to install Flash® Player Plugin or any other plugin to use this app to play flv videos.

FLV Video Player 1.8.0.Apps apk

Adobe® Systems, Inc discontinued the Flash® Player Plugin for mobile devices, but with FLV Player you will be able to watch your flv video files.

Please support development of new features by clicking the +1 button.

You will find details of FLV Video Player 1.8.0.Apps apk if you visit the official site of FLV Video Player 1.8.0.Apps apk on Google Play >> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.br.com.bitlabs.FLVPlayer

Download FLV Video Player 1.8.0.apk

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