Facebook tweaks ads algorithm for more relevant ads in News Feed

Facebook tweaks ads algorithm for more relevant ads in News Feed

Some more tweaks are coming to Facebook’s News Feed algorithm. This time, the social networking website wants to ensure that you see fewer annoying and irrelevant advertisements in your News Feed.In a blog post announcing this new change, Hong Ge, Engineering Manager, News Feed Ads at Facebook said that the goal of News Feed had been to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time, and the same applied to ads that appeared in it. For this to work correctly, Facebook is relying heavily on user feedback.Facebook says that it chooses between thousands of ads to determine which of them are the best to show a user when he accesses his News Feed. These, as you know, are based on factors like their interests and Pages they’ve already liked. Facebook listens to both users and marketers when it comes to showing the right advertisement.

Facebook wants to learn what ads you like and what you don't

Facebook wants to learn what ads you like and what you don't

Now, if you regularly hide or report specific types of ads, Facebook will pay keen attention to it and make sure that you don’t see more of such kind of advertisements. This move will be a good one for not just users who will not see annoying advertisements anymore but also for marketers and advertisers. Facebook is going to make sure that advertisements appear to only the people interested in them and not to ones who are likely to skip over them or hide them. This will translate into a better chance for ads to be clicked for advertisers and marketers. The social networking website is trying to ensure it can appease both, the users and advertisers. This move is one of the few made by Facebook that will make you wonder why it did not think of this earlier. The website had been in a dire need of getting its advertising algorithm fixed for a while now with annoying and irrelevant advertisements cropping up every now and then. Thankfully, the website seems to have noticed.

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