Another first for Apple - iOS7 effects make users dizzy

Another first for Apple - iOS7 effects make users dizzy

Apple’s design used in its new operating system, iOS7, has generated fans and critics alike. But here's a fresh batch of complaints that will leave Apple UI engineers scratching their head. Complaints are coming in that the zooming and parallax animations used in the new UI have been giving some users severe cases of, wait for it...motion sickness!An irate Apple forum user named Ensorceled took to the company's Support Community to say that “The zoom animations everywhere on the new iOS 7 are literally making me nauseous and giving me a headache. It's exactly how I used to get car sick if I tried to read in the car.” Other users were quick to respond to the user, echoing similar cases of illness, eye pain as well as dizziness.

The new sets of icons and colours

Apple's iOS7 may not be a source of happiness for some users

Unfortunately for these users, while Apple has included an accessibility option called “Reduce Motion”, the feature only works to remove the shifting parallex effect seen on the homescreen. While users have complained about this, the majority seem bothered about the zooming effects seen while opening and closing apps or entering the multitasking menu. Tlking about this, Apple forum user glassrabit said, "I had severe vertigo the minute I started using my iPad with iOS 7. Lost the rest of the day to it" Another user, nybe, said, "I had to go home 'sick' from work because of the intense nausea due to using my iPhone with iOS 7."

Most users on the forum have said that they have called the company’s support line only to find that there was no way to fully disable the effect. Many have said that they have had to downgrade their devices back to iOS6. While the earlier OS also animated the way that apps could be opened, it did so in a way that was quicker. Talking about the difference, Apple forum user BurgerKing said, “I've had zero issues with any iOS version prior.” The issue may not seem like a major one for many users, the volume of complaints popping up suggests that the number of users bothered by this may be higher than expected.

ReadMore:Android Games

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