Screenshot Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 311 - Capture a printscreen

Samsung rolls out 3rd generation of Samsung Galaxy TAB. It's a complete tablet and performance on first glance seems to be adequate. Like it's previous iteration, TAB 311 is capable of taking screenshots. Taking a screenshot on wider screen of 8 inch can be a bit challenging for the first timers. Read ahead to know the techniques to capture a print-screen.

Print screen for Galaxy Tab 3 311

Samsung is very generous in terms of software and they make sure that every smartphone is packed with every possible feature. Android OS has always offers tons of methods to perform any task. It's very similar to taking printscreen on Windows system. Try it out.

1. Power and volume key method

Press the Power + Volume Down keys simultaneously for around 2 seconds and the screen will be captured.  If you don't see any notification of clicked image, repeat the steps. It's important to press both the keys at same time.
Where screenshots are stored
By default, they are saved to SD Card >> Pictures>> Screenshots folder on your device.

2. Free and paid Android Apps 

As an alternative, you can take assistance of a screenshot app from the Google Play Store. Some of these apps are free while some of them are paid. You might need to root for some of the free android apps.

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