New Best 5 lovely Facebook Staus Update 2015/Best love messages


Sharing some of the best love quotes which you can share on your status update in Facebook or any other social sites , you can also send as messages to your loved one.

Living Love is valuing each person as a new chance to be happy, Each risk as an opportunity to learn ,Each day as a gift of God.

Happiness is not something u postpone 4 the future. It’’s something u design 4 the present. Make each moment a happy one. I just did it by remembering you.

The day is new and how it will be is up to you. Don't worry about the troubles of yesterday that will only leave you in dismay. This day is fresh and life has begun anew makes plan to purse what it is that you seek so that you can stand on the highest peak filled with delight knowing that the day is bright. Have a fantastic day and I pray something positive comes your way.

Love the one who loves you and respect their emotions.

Love was just a word until you came to my life but now i can say love is my world around you.

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