How To Create an Android Web Browser Without any Programming

Hi guys welcome back to Alltricks. In this tutorial I am gonna show you how to create a android web browser without any programming needed.

Android is a Linux based operating system which is provided by google . To design an android app we need to have some programming background . In general android app are written in C,C++, java programming languages . That is why android is an open source . Every android device is provided with a default web browser which doesn't look attractive or may have less features . So every one needs to install a web browser which is more faster and efficient than their default one . So one can know how important is an android browser in our day-to-day life .

Maxthon is an online software for browsing or a freeware web browser for Microsoft windows, Linux, Mac and android. Maxthon is providing a custom web browser which can made as per our requirements and the programming for it is already done . So it looks cool :D .In this tutorial i will be showing you how to develop an android web browser  without any programming using maxthon custom web browser for android . No need for programming . 

How to create an android web browser : 

First of all to start this you need to have the following :

a. Screen or splash screen for maxthon custom browser . It must have 400*800 pixels with size not more than 500KB . Format for your image must be either .png or .jpg.

b. An image of 72*72 pixels for your android web browser icon .
It must not exceed 50KB of size .

If you doesn't provide the above requirements then it chooses the default theme and icon image.

Here comes the main steps for creating an android web browser.

1.  Go to Maxthon custom android web browser website .

2.  Then click on Make it now . It redirects to a page where you need to give the information about browser .

3.  Give your browser name in "Pick a name field" .next upload your icon image as mentioned above as a requirement . If you don't upload it , it takes the default one. You will get below screen shot .

 4.  Next is set your browser home page . You can give your website address or anything to which it redirects when the browser is opened .

5. Next select a theme . Maxthon provides about 10 themes and a default one . You can select as per your choice . A screenshot for
better understanding.

6. Here you need to upload the splash screen photo as mentioned in above requirements. If you don't want to upload pic then it takes the default one .

7. Next is the final step give your email address . You need to provide a valid email address as your android browser app link is sent to your email id immediately . You will get as shown below.

8. Open your email id and click on the link and download the app .

9. Now you are done !!! You can install the app in your android device and it shows your app name ,icon etc.

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