have a premium your freedom account for free

hello ;

i'm sure that you hate the your freedom free trial with it 64 kb/s speed !!
and i'm sure that you would some others speeds like 4 mega/s ; 256 kb/s .
in this post i will explain a method to earn free voucher codes in you freedom with any dollar o credit card ; paypal ...
to do this you need :
    - a host server ( use Hostinger )
    - the your freedom php script ( download your script from here )
ok !! when you download the script you rename it with a name.php and upload it in the host server
for exemple this is my cgi relay
now open this link
and fill in the server :  t1tutos.p.ht ( your sever )
and put in the url : yf/ems04.php (your url )
and click sumbit for testing
and every time some one use your server to connect in your freedom you will earn points to have a voucher codes .

keywords : your freedom - vpn - cgi relays - premium -free - 2014 - 2013 - premium account - earn points - voucher codes

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