Trick To Avoid Facebook blocking!!! /New Facebook tricks/tips

Experience of getting blocked in Facebook for tagging more then100 friends in image on same day.
Friends  ,

What I'm gonna share today is a bit funny and sounds odd. but its fact ...As usual we all have habit of sharing the post and tagging the friends in the image so do  myself, i used to get lough when ever my friends used say that they've been blocked for sending request or sending a message in Facebook  but after getting an experience  now i understand their problem that how we become the victim  for blocking ourselves. Today I'm gonna share some points that how you can avoid yourself form getting blocked by Facebook . Just check out below.

Steps to avoid yourself from getting blocked in Facebook.

* Don't send more then 30 to 50 friend request in a same day.

* Don't tag more than 100 friends  in a image on a same day.

*Don't use more Stickers in chat or you'll get an alert for getting blocked.

*Don't send inappropriate(illegal) messages .

 Note:  If you are blocked, don't worry  as it is just for 14 days and after that all will get into normal as it was like earlier. But you can also avoid from blocking in the case of photo tagging as they will ask you to verify the person you've tagged in photo for three times where you have to select the person you tagged in it but make sure it's a  right person  and don't skip those step or else you'll get blocked by them.

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