How to Hide Files Behind an Image

Let us see the Method of how to hide the File behind an image
1) You are using the Cmd, yeah i.e Command Prompt, So do not do mistake in it, it may affects system
2) Select the Suitable image to hide your files
3) Now Zip the files which you are going to hide and Save in .RAR Format, with the Help of Your Favorite Archiver
4) If you have good grip in command line , you can browse the files easily wherever in the System, But when you don't it is Difficult.So Please Keep this Both files ( Image, and .RAR file) in the Desktop
5) Go to Start  > Accessories > Command Prompt where the Command Prompt Window will Come
6) Now type the Following Command
cd desktop
  • Here the cd Stands for the Change in the Directory to Desktop 
7) After this Command enter this below command
Copy /b imagename.jpg + filename.rar finalimage.jpg
  • Here the Imagename.jpg is the name of the image file which you are using for hiding your files in the system, please add the format of that file whether it is .jpg or .png or .jpeg
  • Here the Filename is the name of the file which you are hiding
  • Finally the Finalimage.jpg was your Final image where the files are going to hidden, keep the name whatever you like for this Finalimage, Do not forget to add the Image format

8) if you open this new created file, it just opens as an image, so the work is finished here.But when you want to locate the files, i am going to tell that too
How to View the Hidden Files in the Image
1) We are Using the Winrar to open that Files
2) Drag the image to the Winrar or simply Open it with Winrar
3) Finally Extract the files and you are done
Thanks for reading my article i hope you liked it

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