Goolge AdWords Closing soon | Keyword Planner is rising up!

Google are  to close down their "Keyword Tool". Are you shocked!? If you think he's just kidding or lying then you are totally wrong. This news is 100% correct.

Notice of Google AdWord shutting down-

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Yes ! I was talking to my friend on facebook and was asking what does AdWords do and he said Google's Adwords keyword displaying a message which says that : "In the coming months, the external Keyword Tool will no longer be available. To get keyword ideas, sign into your Adwords account and try Keyword Planner." He even showed me captured picture of that notice or warning. There is not described any fix date however there message said it will not available in the coming month. I haven't experienced AdWord keyword tool but my friends said that it is awesome tool. It helps in getting Good AdSense revenue and in SEO too. It will surely effect 85% of websites/blogs on internet. If Google will remove AdWord tool then what will we do? You can use another keyword tools like of iwebtool but Google takes care of your websites, blogs and forums. Google made another tool named "Keyword Planner".  It is coming in upcoming days (maybe months). New keyword tool will be easy to use, will have more functions. As always, it is also free so you can use it. But it won't be available to users who haven't signed Google AdWords. Sign Google AdWords now to use Google Keyword Planner. You might enjoy some more features that were not in AdWords. Now, let's see how will be Google Keyword Planner. We don't know the exact day when Google will delete Google AdWords so I want lie you. So are you excited for new Keyword Planner tool? News leaked that Google might also release an application for Android mobiles.

New Keyword Planner Tool's Screen Shot-

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