Hands on Galaxy S4 LTE A, Snapdragon 800 processor, Android 4.3 being tested on the S4

With the latest version of S4, we have many interesting than the usual S4. Outside, have better color, more fun, while inside, the configuration can not be raised to a higher level at this point. And is also well connected to the most. Samsung said they are not interested in racing configuration, but it is clear that firms can hardly be racing with them. Clearly high speed connection no meaningful choice but to add color and Snapdragon 800 processor, 4 cores 2.3GHz speed will satisfy you who like a strong public .

Samsung Galaxy S4 LTE A, is the latest version, most powerful and most advanced of Samsung as well as for the later S4 series. word is an acronym LTE A wireless ultra-high speed LTE Advance, this speeds twice
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