How to Make WordPress Blog Look Like a Normal Website?

by +Mina Adly Younan
Have you ever dreamed of having your own website, or your company's, or team website without that costing you a lot of money, time, and bugs?

You don't need to be a developer to create your own website. For me, I am an SEM Socialist and I created tens of websites that took me no time and are highly Optimized and Professional.

Here is how, in few simple steps:
  1. Buy a domain name and a host plan (I prefer godaddy and hostgator) 
  2. Install Wordpress on that server (from the CPanel)
  3. Login to your Wordpress admin page (
  4. Go to Appearance > themes > and install a new theme or upload one that you can buy (try the ready made WordPress themes or Theme Forest
  5. Start Posting and creating your Pages
  6. Redesign your banners and background
  7. Install a plugin to allow you to post in different pages than the main page.
  8. Use “Nice Search” Plugin for Clean Search URLs. Nice Search is a very simple plugin that makes searches performed on your website look less “WordPress-y” and more like a custom search engine installed on your website.
  9. Remove or Customize Default Text and Title Attributes. There are also title attributes that are embedded in anchor tags throughout the site. Here is one example, found in the index.php file: <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
  10. Use the “Pages” Sidebar Section as Your Main Navigation. In the default WP theme, here’s the code that generates the “pages” section of the sidebar, found in sidebar.php: 
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Pages</h2>' ); ?> 

Simply take that piece of code and place it wherever you want your main navigation to display. Of course, you’ll have to style it to your liking, in line with your theme’s look. And most likely you’ll want to remove the title of that section. You can do that by simply removing everything after the equals sign in the single parameter, so it will look like this:

<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=' ); ?>

   11. Remove the dates from the CSS file:
    The “proper” way to do this would be to edit your theme and remove the code that displays the post dates.

    1. Backup your theme, just in case
    2. Go to “Appearance > Editor” and repeat the following steps for each of your theme’s PHP files
    3. Look for these function calls in your theme’s code: the_date(), echo get_the_date(), the_modified_date(), and the_time()
    4. Surround the function calls with PHP comment markers (/* and */); here are some examples:

    <?php /*the_date();*/ ?>
    <?php /*the_date('F j, Y');*/ ?>
    <?php /*echo get_the_date();*/ ?>
    <?php /*the_modified_date();*/ ?>
    <?php /*the_modified_date('', 'Last modified ');*/ ?>
    <?php /*the_time( get_option('date_format') );*/ ?>

    5- You may want to remove other text surrounding the function call. For example, if your theme has this code…

    <div>Published on <?php the_time( get_option('date_format') ); ?></div>

    …and you replace it with this…

    <div>Published on <?php /*the_time( get_option('date_format') );*/ ?></div>

    Here are 3 Methods for removing the dates from the wordpress Blog So that your website appear as a CMS not as a Blog.

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