Do You Know What is TOFU in Online Marketing?

Inbound Marketing Experts separate the "Inbound Marketing Sales Funnel" or Calls to Actions (CTAs) into 3 basic parts. "ToFu", "MoFu", and "BoFu".

TOFU: Top-Of-The-Funnel

A top-of-the-sales-funnel offer may be a "free ebook" that offers information about or a solution to a particular problem your prospect may have. The "ToFu" part of the Funnel is primarily unaware buyers, or uninformed prospects in "research mode". These people aren't necessarily ready to buy, but are beginning their research mode.

MOFU: Middle-Of-The-Funnel

The "MoFu" part of the Funnel is Interested Buyers that see that you're a possible solution for their "problem". They're intersted in your product or service but not necisserily from you.This may be something like a case study of how your product or service solved a particular issue for one of your customers. It is still informative, but showcases your product or service and what it can do for the prospect.

BOFU: Bottom-Of-The-Funnel

The "BoFu" is for those viewers or prospects who are ready to buy, and know you have a solution for them.
When someone is ready to really check out your company and what you can do for them they will respond to this offer. An example would be "Free Consultation", "Free Evaluation", or "Free Demo".

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