Best Facebook Status 2013/ Quotes on life/Facebook status

Hello friends,

I'm going to share awesome Facebook status with you all.

  • A Mistake increases your experience & experience decreases your mistakes. You learn from your mistakes then others learn from your success.
  • Respect people’s feelings. Even if it does not mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.
  • No family is perfect, we argue, we fight, we even stop talking to each other at times but in the end, family is family … the love will always be there.
  • Mistake is a single page of life but relation is a complete book. So don’t lose a full book for a single page.
  • Three things cannot be long hidden …… The sun, The moon and The truth.
  • The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.
  • I miss our long talks, your smile, your laugh, your smell, your kisses and your hugs. I wish I could have them back.
  • Don’t say we are not right for each other, the way I see it is …. we are not right for anyone else.
  • One of the most amazing feelings in the world is having someone fall in love with you who you thought you never had a chance with.
  • Never look back unless there’s an attractive stranger behind you!
  • If 5 seconds of smile can make a photograph more beautiful then just imagine, if you keep always smiling, how beautiful your life will be.
  • Life is very short to argue and fight. Count your blessings, value your friends and move on with your head held high and a smile for everyone.
  • No man succeeds without a good woman behind him. Wife or Mother, if it’s both, he is twice blessed.
  • Don’t try and perfect yourself for one person wait for the One who love your Imperfection.
  • If I fall asleep texting you, it’s because I didn’t want to say goodbye.
  • Dont lose hope. When the sun goes down, the stars come out.
  • Sometimes people don’t realize what they are made of until someone shows them how amazing they really are.
  • One of the simplest ways to stay happy; just let go of the things that makes you sad.
  • The true measure of a man is not how he behaves in moments of comfort & convenience but how he stands at times of controversy & challenges.
  • I want to travel the world with two things on my hands. Camera on my right and HIS hand on my left.
  • As you start and end your day, say THANK YOU for every little things in your life. And you will come to realize how blessed you truly are.
  • Never let your failures get to your heart and never let your success get to your head.
  • The best gift a guy can give his girlfriend: his time, his attention and his love.
  • Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities.
  • If you really love someone, TIME and DISTANCE will not make you forget them.
  • Never forget to say I love you if you love someone b’coz you’ll never know when it might be the last time.
  • The joy you bring to my life is immeasurable.
  • It’s amazing how few pictures can bring back so many memories.
  • I wanna be the last number you call late at night and the first one that you dial when you open your eyes.
  • I wish I had a delete button in my life to delete some memories and feelings.
  • As long as I have you, I will always have everything I need to be happy.
  • It’s amazing how one word from the right person can make you feel better in a second.
  • All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.
  • I dont want to stay young forever b’coz if I do, I won’t be having my best dream which is to grow old with you.
  • It’s easy to forgive the mistakes from others. But it’s hard to rebuild the trust.
  • Education is the most powerful weapon, you can use to change the world.
  • A woman who doesn’t ask for anything DESERVES everthing.
  • Dear GOD, Thank you for being there when no body else was.
  • Its better to be alone than being with someone who makes you feel alone.
  • PROMISE: We break them ……. MEMORIES: They break us.
  • he Most beautiful thing in this world is to see your parents smiling and knowing that you are the reason behind that smile.
  • I think its cute when you know that someone is making an effort to make you smile.
  • Live your everyday of life like its the last day of your life.
  • I may not be good for someone but I’ll be the best for those who deserve me.
  • People only realize what they had after they lose it so hold on what you have and never ever let it go.
  • Always remember, It has to be dark for the stars to appear.
  • In the end you will see who’s fake, who’s true and who would risk it all for you. And trust me, some people will totally surprise you!
  • God does not make mistakes but he does miracles. I am one. You are too.
  • Without love, we feel nothing. Without dreams, we accomplish nothing. Without GOD, we are nothing.
  • I always wonder if someone somewhere is doing the same exact thing as I AM.
  • I may not be perfect but Im always ME.
  • NO matter how worthless you think you are, There’s at least one person who thinks you are amazing.
  • While there’s life, there’s HOPE.
  • Every new day is another chance to change your life.
  • The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.
  • Pretty words are not always true and true words are not always pretty.
  • Sometimes we cant choose the music life gives us but we can definitely choose how we dance.
  • Love is a gamble, you take a chance, let your heart go, like a dice, you never know the result until the END.
  • Never give up on anybody, miracles happen everyday.
  • People say, Find good people & leave bad ones but it should be, Find the good in people & ignore the bad in them. Remember No One Is Perfect in This World.

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