How to Root Samsung Galaxy S3 (SIII) using ToolKit V3.0

Follow the guide below to use the ToolKit V3.0 root Samsung Galaxy S3, using Windows 7.  These very detailed instruction, there may be some steps you can skip, if you have already have drivers installed and toolkit installed you can go straight to the rooting section.



We take (this site) no responsibility for any fault or damage caused by any procedures within this guide. No warranties of any kind are given.

Downloading the tool kit

Download the Tool kit here.

Running the exe to set up for rooting

1. Open "SGS3 Snapdragon ToolKit v1.0.exe" from your download folder to extract package files onto your computer.

2. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, click Next>

3. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, click Next>

4. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, make sure Main Files and Drivers are checked. Then click Next>

5. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, leave the Destination folder default and click Next>

6. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, wait while package files are being extracted.

7. On "Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit Snapdragon Version" window, click Close

Running the Tool Kit

1. If the tool kit isn't running, open the ToolKit. There is a shortcut on your desktop. Double-click the "Samsung GS3 ToolKit v3.0.exe"
Note: Make sure your phone is unplugged.

2. Tool Kit will open. You will need to select your phone model and build. For this example I will be using US ATT SGH-I747. Type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

3. First we have to install the SGS3 Drivers, so type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

4. You are given to options, pick the 1st one. Type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

5. Press any key to continue

6. "Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones V1.4.6.0" window will pop up. Click Next >
Note: The drivers got updated in Tool Kit V3.0 so the Drivers will be version V1.5.5.0 not V1.4.6.0

8. "Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones V1.4.6.0" window, Select Language and click Next >.
Note: By default US English is selected with Country USA.

9. "Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones V1.4.6.0" window, leave the Installation Location how it is and click Install

10. "Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones V1.4.6.0" window, wait for the installation to finish.

11. "Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones V1.4.6.0" window, click Exit

12. Return back to the Tool Kit. It tells you to connect phone via usb cable. Connect your phone.

13. After your phone is connected, you should get an AutoPlay pop up for your phone. Close the pop up and in the Tool Kit click any key to go back to main menu.

Backup and Restore

You might want to backup your phone just in case something goes wrong. If you don't then just skip this section and go to the next one.

1. Back in the Tool Kit, Type "6" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

2. Type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will backup ALL installed apps. You can do other backups but ill just to Option '1'.

3. Type "2" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will not include the System apps in the Backup

4. Type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will backup APK and their data.

5. Type "1" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will backup Internal Storage Data

6. Choose a date/time stamp format. Type "3" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

7. Backup will start in 5 seconds

8. Wait till backup is done.

9. Back up Complete. Tool Kit will automatically return to main menu.


1. Back in Tool Kit's main menu, Type "2" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will start the rooting.

2. Type "3" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This is the best option with you want everything done at once.

3. Make sure your phone has USB Debugging enables. Must have phone unplugged to do this. If not enabled, unplug phone, enable USB Debuggong, and plug the phone back in. In the Tool Kit, type "yes" (without the quotes) and click ENTER.

4. Odin Flash Tool will be loaded.

5. When Odin3 v3.07 opens, make sure the first box at the top under ID:COM turns blue. Also make sure "Auto Reboot" and "F.Reset Time: are ticked in Odin and nothing else. 

6. Then Click on PDA and open "boot-insecure-att-i747ucalem-cwm.tar". This tar is licated in "C:\SamSung Galaxy S3 ToolKit\root\boot-insecure-att-i747ucalem-cwm.tar"

7. Click Start to begin transfering. When it is successful you will see the box turn green in the top left. Close Odin3.

8. Back at Tool Kit, it will wait for device to reboot.

9. When phone reboots, Tool Kit will push Busybox to your phone.

10.  Then Tool Kit will test if busybox has been installed properly

11. Then Tool Kit will reboot your phone.

12. Tool Kit will go back to main menu, type "x" (without the quotes) and click ENTER. This will exit Tool Kit.

13. Rooting is done. Just press any key to exit.

14. Superuser app should install by itself when the phone is on. 

More info and support can be found there.

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