Why Aakash?

EversincethemuchawaitedAakashtablet PChaslandedintohandsoftechreviewers,ithasbecomebuttofvariousjokes.ThispostisintendedforthosewhoareinhabitofreviewingiPadsandGalaxy Tabs,whichcomebrimmingwithlatestspecificationsanddazzlinglooks.Forstarters,Aakashisnotyoureverydaytabletpcwithsomethingofeverythingsqueezedintoit.Thetabisprimarilydesignedforkickstartinguniongovernment'sambitious'NationalKnowledgeNetwork',thoroughwhichthegovtaimstopromotetheuseofhighendcommunicationtechnologyinhighereducation.Morethan572universities,25,000collegesand2,000polytechnicsareexpectedtobeconnectedthroughadedicatednetworkforthispurpose.

Now, with such a mammoth task at hand, the arrival of Aakash on the scene has only made things look more achievable at least. Spec wise, the tablet offers just bare minimum or just about enough to justify its intended purpose. Aakash's 366 MHz processor and 256MB RAM were designed to give an e-reading platform to the students, who have not been touched by IT revolution yet. It had become imperative after the much touted, locally developed computer 'Sakshat' bombed.



Detractors may argue that since Aakash comes with WiFi connectivity only, which is rare in tier-2 cities, the device would not be of much use in those areas. But with colleges going on the grid sometime soon, that may change pretty quickly. Another major flaw is its battery performance, which is not what we had expected, given the conditions in which the tablet would be used. It is simply unfeasible for the students to run for charging points to recharge their battery every 2-3 hours.


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