Eric Schmidt tells you how to switch from iPhone to Android in Google+ post

Eric Schmidt tells you how to switch from iPhone to Android in Google+ post

Eric Schmidt seems past weekend relaxing now. The Google honcho fired up his Google+ account on Sunday to guide “friends” convert from using iPhones to Android. “Many of my iPhone friends are converting to Android. The latest high-end phones from Samsung (Galaxy S4), Motorola (Verizon Droid Ultra) and the Nexus 5 (for AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile) have better screens, are faster, and have a much more intuitive interface. They are a great Christmas present to an iPhone user,” he started off.

Copyright bills the stare from Mr. Schmidt

Switch to Android

Schmidt then went on to almost literally list down every single step you will need in order to change your phone. He still could not resist taking a dig at Apple while he documented his guide. “Like the people who moved from PCs to Macs and never switched back, you will switch from iPhone to Android and never switch back as everything will be in the cloud, backed up, and there are so many choices for you,” he writes. The guide is then divided into various helpful sections. The first step involves setting up the brand-new Android – of course. Schmidt then recommends that the user update their iPhone or iPad as well as update contacts to iCloud. The iPhone should then be synced to Mac iTunes he says, backing up all photos and music. He then guides users on how to get contacts onto your Android from iCloud. Schmidt also elaborates on the all important move of getting your music from Apple to Google. Oh, and then, Schmidt writes about performing the ultimate step – taking the SIM card out of the iPhone and into an Android phone. Schmidt also assumes that all iPhone users also use Macs and advises them to use Chrome and not Safari since, “it’s safer and better in so many ways. And it’s free.” Schmidt’s timing could not have been better. The holiday season in the west typically sees a growth in the smartphone purchases and activation. With Google’s new Nexus 5 now out, the company would want it to ace the holiday test of sale volume.

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