Galaxy S4 Lockscreen 3.2.1 Apk Free Download

 Do you have a Samsung smartphone, but want to use the lock screen , which is available on the Galaxy S4 and other devices in the Galaxy series ? Then you can now do this with the lock screen app Galaxy S4 .

I myself have indeed a smartphone from the Galaxy series and have to say that the lock screen is pretty much the only thing I really like about Touch Wiz . Whether light effect - also called lens flare - or wave animation , I like this kind of unlocking my screen but very good.

If you yourself have no Galaxy device , but also like these animations would have available on your smartphone, you can make now with the app Galaxy S4 unlock screen that is available in the channel store since yesterday. The effects are not all equipped with different options , so they can be adjusted a little to your own taste .

There is a minor drawback , however : To use the app , you must have at least Android 4.0 on your smartphone.

Download Galaxy S4 Lockscreen 3.2.1

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