Best Trick to Add facebook Fan page to Blogger/How to

Today's post is about a trick to add Facebook fan page to your blogger. Being a blogger  its very important to increase the traffic in as much as possible ways.. Facebook is of the most popular social medium used globally. Hence its one of the best way you can use to drive traffic to your blog and market your products.

Check out below that how you can add Facebook fan page on the blog in few simple steps.

1. Sign in your Facebook account and enter social plugins page or just  Click Here.

2.  Now enter your Facebook fan page link in it as show in image

3. After entering the name, you can uncheck the Show Steam and click on Get Code, a set of code will be pop up now select the option  IFRAME as show below.

 4. Now go to your blogger dashboard ,select layout and then click on Add Gadget  and select HTML/Java Script and paste  the codes you got from above step 3 and save them.

5. You can arrange where ever you want by dragging it to the desired position and  finally save the arrangement. You are done with it.

6. Now check out your blog for the result.

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