Is Google teasing an October 28 launch for Android 4.4 and Nexus 5?

Is Google teasing an October 28 launch for Android 4.4 and Nexus 5?

We all know of Google’s penchant for easter eggs, those nuggets of joy hidden away in almost all of Google’s products. Think about barrel roll in search and the Android version easter egg in every device's About page. Google loves puzzles and surprises. And now it seems it has also managed to get Nestle into the easter egg action. Some reports are saying that Kitkat’s tweets contain a clue to the release date of the new OS and possibly, the Nexus 5. We know that Kitkat has been using Twitter to heavily promote Android 4.4 Kitkat and in all likelihood, it is working closely with the Google marketing team for such teasers. So it’s not surprising that a couple of tweets should seem like clues to the riddle of when Android 4.4 will come. The first tweet had a Kitkat Android logo dancing and the line went ‘Everybody dance now!’ Obviously, that’s a reference to the popular number 'Gonna Make You Sweat' by the C+C Music Factory from the 90s. The band was earlier called the 28th Street Crew, which some are taking to be the release date for Android 4.4.

However, complicating matters is the fact that the song was released on October 18th. As if to clear this confusion up, Kitkat then tweeted a picture of Michael Jackson’s ‘This Is It’ in ‘Kitkat font’. The movie reached US stores on October 28th. That’s two references of 28 and it’s just a day before last year’s launch date for Nexus 4 and Android 4.2.

Obviously, this is no way any confirmation about the release date of the 4.4 and the Nexus 5. It’s not even that big a clue, but now that all major phone launches are done with, we are well and truly into Nexus season and any info is fair game.

ReadMore:Android Games

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