Samsung announces Exynos 5 Octa chipsets with 8 cores

Samsung today unveiled the next generation Exynos 5 Octa chipsets with an update if 8 cores. The processor will be intelligent enough to use all the eight cores simultaneously.

We have already seen the South Korean powering its models like the Galaxy S4 and the recently announced Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with the predecessor of Exynos Octa. But now the Samsung made Exynos Octa 5 uses four high-powered cores for high intense tasks like 3D gaming, advanced web browsing and four low-powered cores for low priority tasks. 

The South Korean's call for it, the Heterogeneous Multi-Processing (HMP) big.LITTLE chip technology, that can now make use of the eight cores in the processor at once. 

“It’s usually assumed that the big CPU will do all the performance-critical work, however, power-efficient little cores can handle many significant workloads all on their own, so the workload is balanced within the system,” says Taehoon Kim, vice president of System LSI marketing, Samsung Electronics.

Source: Samsung

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