Motorola ships 100,000 Moto X units a week, says the CEO

In one of the latest interviews, Motorola's CEO, Dennis Woodside said that the company is shipping more than 100,000 Moto X devices a week out of it's American plant. He also said that this only the beginning and things are going according to the plans.

"When you set up to ramp a factory you need a plan, and we have shipment targets we need to make with our carrier partners, and where we need to be right now is 100,000 units and that's where we are," added Woodside.

The phones that are being shipped are not just the standard models of Moto X, but also the carrier based variants and custom designed ones from the Motorola's website. The CEO also said that the custom made orders were "Substantial" and the company was selling their devices at a profit.


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