Android 4.3 Spotted in the Wild Running on the Nexus 4?

This morning an XDA user posted a few photos of a Nexus 4 spotted at a mobile expo in Thailand, and it’s causing quite the buzz. The reason why the photos are intriguing is because this particular N4 appears to be running a completely new build number, JWR45B. We could very well be looking at Android 4.3.
Only a few images were captured, one of the About section, another of the camera’s semi-new interface (controls to the side rather than in the focus area), concluded by the Jelly Bean Easter Egg found through the About section. The design hasn’t been changed too much, so don’t expect a drastic new look or huge UI change.
At this point in the game dear old Google could launch Android 4.3 at anytime. We just don’t know when. In the meantime you can check out the images below and tell us what you want to see out of Android 4.3 in the comments below.
image-03AB_519F4AFF-487x650 image-05C1_519F668E another-pic
Source XDA

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