Xbox One gets keyboard and mouse support through USB dongle -

Xbox One owners disappointed that they can't use their old Xbox 360 controllers or fight sticks on the new console got some good news today; a USB dongle has been released which can let you use just about any game controller, or a mouse and keyboard, on Microsoft's latest console.

The CronusMax dongle was updated to support the Xbox One this week, and is compatible with Xbox 360 peripherals, PC mice and keyboards, the PS3 DualShock 3, PS4 DualShock 4 and even Nintendo's Wii U pro controller.

It works by taking signals from a controller and mapping them to specific Xbox One controller commands using a Desktop computer. Once you've set up a profile, there's no need to keep the device connected to a PC - it saves each controller profile to onboard memory, and can be toggled between profiles at the push of a button.

The project's creators, Team Xecuter, say the CronusMax is lag-free and has an "instant response", which should make it suitable for games that require extremely fast inputs like racing and fighting games. However, the video shown below looks to be a little behind the action when certain controllers are used.

Although a device such as this won't void your console warranty, as you aren't actually modifying the console, its ability to record macro inputs and bind pre-recorded commands to enable quick-scoping, fast reloads and rapid fire in first person shooters or long combo chains in fighting games could leave you on the wrong end of an Xbox Live ban.

If you're prepared to take the chance, the CronusMax can be bought for £39.95 from UK retailer ck3.

Andoid Games

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