TweetCaster for Twitter 8.0.0 Apk Free Download

Tweetcaster connects Android phones with the micro - blogging service Twitter. The free Twitter client supports multiple user profiles , reports new retweets in the background and send messages also to your own Facebook profile .

Tweetcaster offers the standard functions of a Twitter application : Through various tabs one accesses the timeline , as well as retweets , messages, favorites and lists . My tweets are expanded as required with pictures , videos, and shortened URLs. The Tweet shows Tweetcaster before sending in a preview on . Alternatively, send the message Tweetcaster as an update to Facebook. In addition, the program supports the Twitlonger service for tweets with more than 140 characters.

In normal telephone operation Tweetcaster runs in the background and displays new messages and retweets via a small icon . Original extra: Optional update the Freeware tweets when the user shakes the phone.

Tweetcaster convinced with an appealing interface and many features. In addition, the software testing works in comparison to other Twitter clients very quickly. Twitter fans among Android owners come to the flexible Freeware hardly ignore .

Download TweetCaster for Twitter 8.0.0

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