Google brings Android Device Manager app to the Play Store

Google brings Android Device Manager app to the Play Store

Google has released an app for its Android Device Manager tool to help you keep a track on your Android-powered gadgets now. The tool which was accessible only on the web earlier now also comes in an app flavour. The Android Device Manager app is pretty much like the Find My iPhone service that Apple offers on its iOS devices and will help you keep a track on where your devices are. Google has activated the Android Device Manager back in August, arming it with multiple options to help you track and keep your Android devices safe.

Now comes with an app

Now comes with an app

Once activated on your Android phones and tablets, you will be able to track and pinpoint where they are at this very moment. You can also use the tool – on the web as well as on the app – to send a ring to your device in case you cannot find it. Even if your phone is on silent, the Device Manager will ensure it rings at the maximum volume so you can spot it even in a crowded place. The tool also allows you to remotely lock your device and in the worst case scenario even wipe your device completely clean to protect sensitive data. Unfortunately, since Android Device Manager was earlier available only on the web, it made using the tool a little impractical at times, especially if you wanted your phone to ring. Thankfully, months after the web release, Google has made the app available for download. You can grab Android Device Manager for free from Google Play store and ensure your Android devices are connected and protected.

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