Xbox One review roundup - The best opinions online -

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The review embargo has lifted on the Xbox One, with the hardware going on sale to the general public at midnight tomorrow. Even if you've pre-ordered a console you'll need something to kill the time between now and then, so why not read some of these selected Xbox One reviews.

It seems like review hardware has been with some lucky publications for some time too, with many reviews resembling blow-by-blow manuals as much as critical pieces. This is the first games console to be released in such a storm of coverage (sorry Wii U) and by picking through a few of these massive missives you'll get to learn more about the Xbox One than even Microsoft could (or would) tell you.

Here's our top picks and the reasons why.

EUROGAMER The site's entire coverage, which you can find in Xbox One Reviewed: Games and Hardware is pretty comprehensive, but the high point has to be the Hardware Test: Xbox One from Digital Foundry with detailed technical information and dB metering for how loud the console is at various tasks.

KOTAKU Not much less epic in scale, but a far more entertaining read is Kotaku's review. Aimed squarely at its own readership, and anyone else who lives largely online these is hardcore gaming geek culture's take on the new hardware. Head over here for the The Xbox One: The Kotaku review

POLYGON Prettiest Xbox One review has to go to the amazing effort by US gaming site, and Verge sibling, Polygon. Its Xbox One review has some pretty stunning graphics (wireframe components that draw as you watch) and also shows how web advertising should be done. It's exhaustingly comprehensive, but a little dry, and you may tire of the whizzy effects by the end.

THE VERGE A close second for nice web design, but largely more of the same in terms of tone and content is the Verge's own Xbox One review.

TOMS HARDWARE Not enough technical detail for you so far, want to know the exact layout of the CPU cores? Then head on over to Tom's hardware for its Xbox One Console review.

If you fight your way through every word of that lot, then you know pretty much everything there is to know about the Xbox One. The only remaining problem is just where you can get one at the last minute.

Andoid Games

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