Twitter updates Android, iOS app with search filters

Twitter updates Android, iOS app with search filters

Twitter is continuously adding features and tweaking existing ones on its apps as well as on the website. There’s rarely a day that has gone by, ever since the chatter of Twitter’s IPO, where the micro-blogging service has not been seen introducing something new to its bevy of products. Now, the company has announced that it is updating its iOS and Android apps to make search and discovery easier for users.In a blog post announcing the update, Esteban Kozak, Search and Relevance Product Manager for Twitter writes that new filters will be making their way into the mobile clients of the service. While you could previously search for only usernames or tweets using the search function, you will be able to do a lot more now like search through pictures and videos as well as a host of other things.

Search better

Search better

When you want to search for something on Twitter from your iOS and Android apps, you will now be able to apply filters like Photos, Videos, News and People now. When you search for photos, you will be able to see them as lists or grids. If you want to know what your friends are saying about a particular topic, you can add a filter to show you tweets only from people you follow. The update also added a couple of features that Twitter had been trying out for a while this year – trending TV shows and nearby events. A new trending timeline in Discover will show you trends along with associated tweets as well as TV shows that are trending. You will even be able to see if there are any events nearby to you that you may want to attend with this feature. The update is already up on both the Google Play Store and the App Store. Download Twitter for Android and Twitter for iOS to get started with search.

ReadMore:Android Games

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