QR Droid™ 5.4.1 Apk Free Download

 QR codes not only include web links or phone numbers , but can also Wi-Fi access , geo- coordinates or encrypt dates . Via smartphone can read the information quickly - provided the right app .

When reading a QR code app but can not really do much wrong , one might think . In terms of speed , detection and correct interpretation of the encrypted information to different readers differ but then . What is QR Code Reader for Android makes the best impression , we have tested for you.
Read QR code and correctly interpreted on Android

In order to read the information contained in a QR code is not always an x- any scanner - after all, is to perform the appropriate action on the smartphone. When scanning an appointment , for example , the calendar is open , when reading Geo coordinates analogous to Google Maps or similar mapping service . That not all QR code reader also perform the correct action is partly due to the pre- standard actions , on the other, but it is also on the app itself We have taken a closer look at four readers .
Barcode Scanner - The fastest QR scanner in the test

Not for nothing is the barcode scanner from ZXing team at Google Play on the foremost ranks in the search for a QR code reader . The free app reads barcodes next to ( as the name suggests ) Also, all types of QR codes. In our test, the app recognized all hidden information could even QR codes with 1,400 characters correctly recognize text content and the smartphone has immediately connected with the encrypted in the QR code -Fi access. On top of that , the app was the fastest in the test, with QR Droid was barely noticeably slower here . Positive aspect is still that the barcode scanner makes do without advertising.

Only criticism once started, the app does not come from alone . Woe betide anyone who forgets to activate or to exit the app the key lock. The battery will thank 's . Nevertheless barcode scanner is an absolute recommendation .

QR Droid - Scanner and QR Code generator in a

QR Droid reads not only all kinds of QR codes , but can also generate and retransmit own . On the subject of QR code generator that later .

In the test, QR Droid has consistently left a very good impression. Again, barcodes / QR codes are detected very quickly - even the 1,400 -character text was scanned under 1 second to display correctly. Compared with QR Droid barcode scanner offers many more additional features . So the app can read QR codes from photos stored , read barcodes by entering numbers manually , save favorites and history , and much more.

The extensive settings also allow QR Droid suit your own needs. Even a switch to the front camera is possible. Thanks to QR Droid Widgets QR codes are scanned directly from the home screen .

Download QR Droid™ 5.4.1

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