LG Device Loaner Program intoduced

As said by LG, the South Korean company is pleased to offer all the registered Application Developers with a latest LG smartphone, for instance the G2 on a limited 30 days time period to test and debug your newly built apps on the company's latest hardware out in the market.

A simple three step registration process will get you a free LG smartphone. The ready-to-ship orders will require a security deposit of $300 to $600, which will be refunded once the device is returned.

But unfortunately, the new LG Device Loaner Program is only offered to the Developer Community based in United States and Canada, for this time, where you will be able to borrow a LG G2 (Verizon and AT&T), Optimus G Pro (AT&T), ENACT (Verizon) and an Optimus L9 (T-Mobile). Looks perfect plan for you? Then do sign-up/sign-in to move further with the customer prospect demo order form and process by clicking here.

Source: LG

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