Yahoo! Mail users left angered by buggy redesign

Yahoo! Mail users left angered by buggy redesign

Yahoo! surprised everyone by redesigning its Mail service on its 16th birthday a couple of weeks back. While it earnestly tried to put in new features and improve the ones it had been offering for a while, there were issues that users noticed from day one. Besides the fact that the website now resembled Gmail, some key features were seen to be broken and the matter has now exploded. The first issue that came up was an email forwarding bug that was leaving inboxes empty. TechCrunch reported that the service has been automatically forwarding emails to users’ “alternate,” external email ID, a setting that has been switched on without the users’ permission. Users were also left fuming over the fact that they’re not able to organise their Inbox by tabs. Added to this, an in-action print button was conspicuous for its absence in the redesigned mailing service.

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A report by ZDNet also talks about how crucial functions like autosave, draft deletion, Use SSL and more are also broken. Some have also reported that Yahoo! has been removing email addresses from user address books without consent. There have been multiple threads that have cropped up on Yahoo’s Uservoice page that are requesting the email service to revert back to its original design. Meanwhile, the company has announced that it will enable encryption for all web-based mail users early next year. While Gmail switched users to encryption around four years ago, Yahoo! is lagging far behind its competition. In a mail to The Washington Post, the company said that it took the security of its users very seriously and is going to switch everyone to encrypted services next year. It had been offering users the option since earlier this year. This, however, will not appease users who have been facing issues like disappearing mails and lost contacts on Yahoo’s mail services.What is your experience with the redesign? Are you facing issues with your Yahoo! Inbox too? Let us know in the comments section below.

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