Twitter may kill its #Music product six months after launch

Twitter may kill its #Music product six months after launch

Barely six months after launching its ambitious music product, Twitter is reportedly planning to wind Twitter #Music down. The service, which was launched with much fanfare earlier this year, is seeing slow adoption rates, thanks to the lack of innovation and new features by Twitter. According to a report by AllThingsD, the “abysmal” download levels that the service’s iOS app is seeing currently seems to be the main reason behind Twitter mulling shutting it down. Twitter #Music made its debut in April and reached to the No. 6 spot on the Apple App store almost instantly. However, its decline curve has been smoothly declining ever since. App analytics company Onavo has even placed Twitter #Music at 1,672nd rank currently.

Goodbye, Twitter #Music?

Goodbye, Twitter #Music?

For those not in the know, Twitter #Music was launched to help Twitter users specifically discover new artistes with a tie-in feature from the micro-blogging website. Popular music artistes on Twitter get specially promoted on the service as it has a social angle to it. As Twitter’s IPO is fast approaching – it could come as soon as the middle of next month – the #Music app seems to be lagging behind in the company’s scheme of things. The service ran into a spot of trouble pretty much soon after its launch when Kevin Thau, Twitter’s then Business Development Leader who had been looking after the Music service left the company in order to join Twitter co-founder, Biz Stone’s latest venture Jelly. Of course, the post-release nurturing that the iPhone app and the web service needed post launch was missing. Especially conspicuous by its absence was an Android application for Twitter #Music that never really made it to the market. Even as Twitter looks to end the #Music, entertainment will be of top-most importance to the service, with tools for the television industry taking precedence over most others in Twitter offices. That said, Twitter is still looking at reconstructing its music team, which means that it is not abandoning the idea of having a music product altogether.

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