Susan Bennett is behind the voice of Siri

In a recent interview with the most versatile and voice-over artist, Susan Bennett from Atlanta, Stateside, who was recently on a media, where came in the news of who's behind the voice of the American multinational corporation company, Apple's voice-activated virtual assistant, Siri, from the birth of iPhone 4S, October 4, 2011.

From the words of Bennett, it was all a surprise, when back in July 2005, she signed a contract with the Americans for this undisclosed project. She had worked four hours everyday, for about one month, where the voice-over actor was recording all the lines and responses on Siri.

But most interestingly, when Apple launched Siri back in 2011, Susan Bennett didn't even recognize her voice which was being played back on one of the world's best voice virtual assistant, on millions of Apple devices out there. But it was her friend who had the new iPhone, spotted out Bennett's voice being played over the handset's voice assistant and asked her, "Isn't this you?", that was then when she recalled the undisclosed project took place back in 2005.

Accordingly, Apple hasn't confirmed it yet, but with the help of an audio-forensic expert with 30 long years of experience have studied both of these voices and claims it to be 100% Bennett.


Source: CNN, GSMArena

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