New iPhone 5s motion sensor complaints add to Apple's woes

New iPhone 5s motion sensor complaints add to Apple's woes

Apple recently began rolling out its top-of-the-line iPhone 5s to consumers. While the roll-out registered record sales, quite a few users now seem to be turning to the company’s official support communities with complaints of the device’s motion sensors not being calibrated properly. Investigating these claims, Gizomodo reportedly put the device through a series of tests. These included comparison tests between the new iPhone and the earlier iPhone 5 and a range of real world tools like a real compass and spirit level. The investigation revealed that the gyroscope, compass and accelerometer in two separate iPhone 5ses consistently seem to show slight errors. The findings were also independently validated by Ars Technica. The second report, while testing this, placed an iPhone 5s, an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 4S, all with the latest iOS 7.0.2, on a table top. While the iPhone 5 and 4S were able to recognise that they were resting on a flat surface, the iPhone 5s apparently could not, registering a 2 degree slope instead. Gizmodo, while testing the gyroscope, also found an error of three degrees.

Gizmodo's iPhone 5s gyroscope test reveals a slight error

Gizmodo's iPhone 5s gyroscope test reveals a slight error

This problem seems to vary from device to device. Some users, on a MacRumours forum thread, have claimed that the compass app is off by four to six degrees. Others have withdrawn their complaints, saying that they are no longer facing this problem after Apple replaced their devices. All in all, though, the comparitive test with other iPhone devices running the latest OS suggests that this could be a hardware problem and not a software issue. An official statement from Apple will be needed to validate this claim, though. Beyond the compass app malfunctioning, the real-world implications of these inaccuracies are thankfully minor. Apple has not yet officially said anything about these complaints.

ReadMore:Android Games

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