LG manufactured Google's upcoming Nexus 5 leaked yet again in White color, new launch dates also rumored

It's the famed tipster evleaks in the lights again, not alone, but also shedding some more lights to the brightly leaked device of the recent times with a new color. Yes. we are talking about the upcoming South Korean LG made Google Nexus 5 in White color. What we saw recently on the leaked retail boxes of the unit.

This new press renders showed up in a recent tweet from the source claims, that this is how the yet to be announced Nexus 5 in White color will look like. Along with this trio press photograph, came in numericals too, '11/1' what was attached to the tweet.

First of all, we are not taking things here for granted, but this numbers on the tweet can be the date on which we may see the American multinational corporation Google officially announcing their piece of flagship smartphone, to be exact, on the 1st of next month, November. We have already witnessed the handset making its appearance in black color and also nailing it's position in Google Play previously. Friends we need some more patients.

Source: evleaks (Twitter)

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