iOS 7 iTunes Radio heading to UK in early 2014, say sources -

Apple's iTunes Radio service, which allows for unlimited audio streaming in exchange for a monthly subscription, is apparently coming to the UK some time early next year.

iTunes Radio already competes with services like Spotify and Pandora in the US, forming a central part of the Music app released with iOS 7 for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Unfortunately for anyone outside of America, Apple has been silent on its plans for an international launch despite iOS 7 having been released across all compatible mobile products in all countries.

Anonymous sources have been speaking to business publication Bloomberg, saying that the service will launch in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Nordic countries in early 2014, with other countries potentially being targeted for launch later in the year.

Launching early next year would see Apple enter a market in which it will play the underdog. Rival services are well established, with Spotify enjoying its fifth anniversary this week. It will, however, be beating some of its local competitors. Despite rumoured plans, rival streaming service Pandora has yet to launch in the UK despite enjoying a significant market share in the US.

Apple has, as is usual for the company, refused to comment on its launch plans, beyond reiterating previously-made statements that it plans to bring iTunes Radio to more than 100 countries in the future.

Andoid Games

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