Google launches Web Designer for building interactive HTML5 sites and ads

Google launches Web Designer for building interactive HTML5 sites and ads

Search giant Google has now announced a new tool for building interactive HTML5 sites and ads called Web Designer. The new tool, which the company is calling a “professional-quality design tool” is officially out in beta and is available for download for Windows and Mac. Google says Web Designer was developed to help advertisers easily create HTML5 ads for the mobile and desktop platforms. Google’s rationale for coming up with this is that advertisers, till now, “didn’t have the tools they needed to easily develop content fit for today’s cross-screen experiences.” Web Designer, according to the official announcement, aims to be the tool that advertisers can turn too.And Web Designer can be used for building interactive single-page sites, for animation and other purposes as well. That being said, though, it seems like some of the features on the tool are currently available only for ads. The company has said that it plans to expand these features for other purposes in the future. The default layouts on the tool seem optimised for DoubleClick rich media ads and AdMob mobile ads. Take a look at the demonstration of Web Designer here:

While Web Designer is undoubtedly meant to be a visual tool, users who are so inclined can jump into the JavaScript and CSS code to tweak different aspects of their sites. The tool even allows you to manipulate all the site code directly in an in-built editor. It also allows you to preview your site on every browser installed on the machine. In terms of features, the tool comes with all the usual visual design functions. Some of the more interesting one developed by the company for Web Designer includes a nifty looking pen tool for free drawing, as well a timeline to mange all your animation. The tool is comes with the ability to create 3D content using CSS3. Packed in with the tool are a bunch of pre-built components for galleries, maps and embedded YouTube videos. Keeping in mind the fact that animation is one of the core features of the tool, Web Designer comes with a Quick mode that allows users to create animation scene by scene. Also integrated is an advanced mode that will give designers more control over each element on the page. All in all, Web Designer seems pretty good. And the best part about the new tool is that it is free to download, a point that will definitely put pressure on the other web design tools in the market.

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