Cautious Instagram to slowly introduce ads in the next couple of months

Cautious Instagram to slowly introduce ads in the next couple of months

That’s that, folks. It’s the end of an era as Instagram officially announces that ads are coming to your feeds on the application. The photo-sharing service has confirmed that ads will be coming to Instagram “in the next couple of months”. In a blog post announcing the ad feature, the Instagram team wrote that it had big plans for the future that needed the service to become a sustainable business soon. The three-year old service has remained ad-free since its conception, but this is about to change now. In the next couple of months, users will start to see occasional advertisements in their feeds. The ads will be limited only to Instagram users in the US initially.

Expect to see ads between your posts now

Expect to see ads between your posts now

“Seeing photos and videos from brands you don’t follow will be new, so we’ll start slow,” the team wrote in the post. Understandably, no one likes to see advertisements in a service that has been away from it for so long and when it comes to Instagram, we’ve seen that reactions can be a little drastic by power-users. Instagram is being cautious about how advertisements will appear in the application and has assured users that it will be delivering a “small number of beautiful, high-quality photos and videos from a handful of brands that are already great members of the Instagram community.” So, you need not worry about annoying ads like the ones on parent company Facebook’s website. Instagram has a lot of potential for making really creative advertisements stand out in the service and is hopefully learning from Facebook’s mistakes. Quite like Facebook, Instagram says that users will have the discretion to hide advertisements they do not like or do not wish to see. The ultra-cautious Instagram has taken this opportunity – like it takes with every single blog post these days – to assure users that they and only they own their images and the service will stake no claim to them. That's great, but we believe that users have long forgiven and forgotten that change in Terms of Service debacle. Hopefully, Instagram will get it right this time with advertisements.

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