Google Glass now uses MyGlass app for data tethering

When Google released the recent Glass update that, among other things, added the ability to take screenshots from Glass, it seems to have stealthily added another feature. According to Engadget, instead of using the standard tethering feature in Android, Glass now funnels data usage through the MyGlass companion app. For most of us, this isn't really that big of a thing.The US, however, has carriers that charge separately for the ability to tether your data connection to other devices. This new feature essentially means that US Glass users can now cancel their tethering plans and use the MyGlass app for their Glass data tethering needs.

Glass can be coupled with existing eyewear

Look ma! No tethering!

The update had originally made its way to Glass last week. Other features include the addition of YouTube videos in search results, sound search, which adds the ability to identify whatever song you might be listening to, and Glass with Google Apps accounts, which lets users log in with just one account to access all of Google's features. This is already working on some services, like Gmail.The MyGlass app was updated earlier as well. The update brought along the ability to control what’s happening on the Glass live through your smartphone or tablet’s touchscreen. According to the exact phrasing of the update, users can "touch/swipe/tap to control the Glass UI through the screencast experience".Currently, Google Glass is only available to those willing to shell out the hefty $1,500 price, which roughly translates to Rs 94,000. This isn’t exactly the consumer edition, however, and works more like a hardware beta for the device. Exactly when Glass will be available to the public in general is currently unknown, but predictions say 2014 will be the year.

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