Google pays tribute to Julius Richard Petri/Google doodles

Google pays tribute to Julius Richard Petri 0n his 161th anniversary, a German bacteriologist, with an animated and  interactive doodle features colored petri dishes replacing the Google logo complete with the play button. After pressing the play button, a hand appears with a swab applying a solution on each of the dishes followed by the appearance of bacteria on each one of them. When you hover the mouse pointer on the dishes, they show the origin of the bacteria. The dishes show bacteria present in worn socks, door knob, keyboard, pet dog, plant, and a wet sponge complete with animated images.

    About Julius Richard Petri ,

 He was born on May 31, 1852 in Barmen, studied medicine and received his medical degree in 1876. In his career, till 1882, he actively served as a military physician.He also worked at the Imperial Health Office in Berlin as an assistant.

    Petri's contribution was the invention and development of culture dish or Petri plate, a technique to culture bacteria on agar (a substance made from algae) plates that helped to identify the bacteria responsible for diseases. In the contemporary times, biologists use the petri dish to culture cells.

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