Official Ice Cream Sandwich Update Has been Delayed for the Lenovo Ideapad K1

Its June 15, 2012, and K1 users properly wondering where is the update to Ice Cream Sandwich for K1, well i got some bad news, update for K1 has be delayed, this is official message from one of the admin's at their forums (Mark):

Please hang in there.  The code is available internally and is in test - there was one issue uncovered during test that (as I understand it) might make the release show up as a trial version and so this is being sorted out.  We may need a couple more days on that.

Also, because we are not providing this via OTA we need to put together a page on our support site, along with instructions, disclaimers, and make the downloadable code and the source code available there.   This is taking a bit of extra time as well - to get the wording finalized and the content tested and sent to our web team for publication.

We'll do our best to move this along as we are now at the "mid-June"  point that we have been working toward.

Thanks for your patience

Best regards,


Also like to point out, this update will be stock Android version of Ice Cream Sandwich, and no customize skins or extra stuff added.   This is always nice and welcoming, since most manufacturer create these overlays, in which it changes the look and feel of Android (Samsung TouchWiz, Motorola Motoblur, HTC Sense), and  99% of times, this makes the experience of using the device worse.  I for one wish these manufacturer would just stop doing this and keep stock Android. 

I will keep everybody up to date if any news about update hits, I am sure the update won't be far away. 

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