Free Russian Bible App + Russian Songs of Revival V2.1 for Android

I created a Russian Bible Application that also has Songs of Revival and Youth Songs. In this application you can read the Bible and look up songs. To run the program you need Android OS Version 2.3.3. I tested this application on HTC Inspire 4G.

Where to download:
The application is available on Google Play.

Contact the Developer here.

In the App
Main Page- There is a button for the Russian Bible and a button for Russian Songs of Revival

Bible- When open Genesis 1 is displayed.

Navigating Though the Bible
There are two buttons that when pressed will go to previous chapter or next chapter. If the current chapter is the 1st chapter of the current book then when the previous chapter button is pressed, then the previous book will be displayed with the last chapter. Same thing with the next button, when it gets to the last chapter of the current book, it will advance to the next book.

You could also swipe the page left or right to go to previous chapter or next chapter. Swipe right --> previous chapter. Swipe left --> next chapter.

To select a book and chapter just click on the title of the current text. This will give you a list of books to choose from. When a book is selected, the chapter selection page will be show. When the chapter is selected, the text is show of the chosen book and chapter.

When reading a long chapter and want to get to the 1st verse, just double tap on the Book and Chapter title bar and you will be at the top of the page.

Copying Verses
To copy verses out of a given book and chapter is easy. Just select the verses that you want to copy and press and hold on the text. A menu will pop up asking if you want to copy the text or if you want to copy the text and include the book in chapter.

Songs of Revival
The Songs of Revival have 800 songs.
There are 3 ways to search for a song. Search by number, alphabet, or by section.

Searching by number: when you search my number the 1st song will be displayed and you put an number in the box and press search. The song that corresponds to that number will be displayed. (The numbering of the songs are based on the new numbering of the songs. Total there are 800 songs.

Searching by alphabet: Select the first letter of the desired song. This will display all the songs that start with that letter. Select the song and it will be displayed.

Searching by section: If you want a song out of a certain section then this is where you search that. Just select the desired section and all the songs in that section will be displayed.

Navigating Through the Songs
When a song is displayed you can use the previous and next button to go to a previous or next song. If the current song is 1 then the previous button will take you to the last song(800). If the current song is 800 then the next button will take you to the 1st song.
Also you could swipe the page left or right which will do the same thing as the previous and next button do.

If the song is really long and you need to get to the top then just double tap the screen.

Copying Text
To copy the song the press and hold on the song and it will be copied to clipboard.

Using the Bible Settings

     To get to the Settings, you need to press the menu button and click on "Настройки". The Top of the screen will have a preview of you current text size and the background. To change the font size just slide the slider left/right. The font size ranges from 10 to 40. Right now I have four backgrounds created. If you choose the black background the text color will be white. All other backgrounds will keep the text color black. The settings are remembered so you don't have to update them every time you exit the app. 

Basic Search

       I added a basic search for the Bible. It will look for the exact query that you type in. If you get no results, check if you spelled your query correctly. This is basic search so it will not look for sub queries. I will have a better search algorithm implemented in the next version. You last few search terms will be stored so if you need to search again you can just click on the term and it will run the search.

After the search is complete it will display up to 176 results. If there are more results then there will be a button the you click to see more results. When there are no more results the button will disappear.

If you upgrade and the app crashes

    You will need to clear your data in the app settings. Settings > Apps >  "Библия..." > Clear Data. If that doesn't fix the problem then do a clean install using the new version.

Using the Youth Songs

     The Youth Songs are from the book: Тебе пою, о мой Спаситель

  There are 210 songs.
  There are 3 ways to search for a song. Search by number, alphabet, or by section

Searching by number: when you search my number the 1st song will be displayed and you put an number in the box and press search. The song that corresponds to that number will be displayed. Total there are 210 songs.

Searching by alphabet: Select the first letter of the desired song. This will display all the songs that start with that letter. Select the song and it will be displayed.

Searching by section: If you want a song out of a certain section then this is where you search that. Just select the desired section and all the songs in that section will be displayed.

Navigating Through the Songs
When a song is displayed you can use the previous and next button to go to a previous or next song. If the current song is 1 then the previous button will take you to the last song(210). If the current song is 210 then the next button will take you to the 1st song.
Also you could swipe the page left or right which will do the same thing as the previous and next button do.

If the song is really long and you need to get to the top then just double tap the screen.

Copying Text
To copy the song the press and hold on the song and it will be copied to clipboard.

Please comment on the application and report any bugs
If the application works on your device please tell me in the comments so I would know what phones this application will work on

Donations are appreciated.

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