Fallout 4 revealed in leaked casting call documents

Fallout 4 is real, in development right now and will be set in Boston.

Following the disappointing news that the viral website TheSurvivor2299.com was a hoax, gamers eager to return to the post-apocalyptic wastelands will be happy to hear gaming website Kotaku has confirmed the new game's existence.

Casting call documents containing characters, scripts and story details for a a project code-named Institute were sent to a Kotaku editor, who has confirmed their legitimacy. Although the Fallout name isn't attached to the documents, they reference several key series locations and begins with the classic introduction "War. War never changes". The project's casting director also worked on other Bethesda projects including Dishonored.

The Developer was rumoured to have started work on Fallout 4 almost immediately after finishing 2011's Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, with employees reportedly scouting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston for potential game locations. Having used Washington for Fallout 3 and Nevada for Fallout: New Vegas, new scenery should make a welcome change for series veterans.

It's possible that many of the details revealed in the leaked documents were created specifically for the casting call and may not appear in the final version of the game, but

Unsurprisingly, Bethesda has yet to comment on the leak, or set a date for an official reveal.

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