YouTube rolls out Google+ powered comments to tame trolls

YouTube rolls out Google+ powered comments to tame trolls

In yet another move aimed at bolstering Google+ with YouTube, the video-sharing website has introduced a whole new commenting system. Comments will now appear on YouTube videos sorted on the basis of their relevance to you. Your Google+ account will play a huge part with the comments that appear in front of you now. YouTube had announced its intention of changing its long-standing comments section last month in a blog post. Accordingly, changes have come to the video-sharing website. Now comments “you care about” will find their way to the top and not ones that work on the common meme topics of “3 people who dislike this video do not understand music”. Essentially, the video's creator, popular personalities, engaged discussions as well as comments from people in your Google+ circle will show up prominently on the comments section.

Google+ goes deeper

Google+ goes deeper

You will also be able to engage with conversation publicly or privately on videos using your Google+ profile. You can choose to have your comment appear to everyone on the web or simply select few people in your circle who’re viewing the video. Replies on the video will be threaded for you in a similar fashion to how they appear in Gmail so you can easily follow the conversation. If you’re the one who has posted a video on YouTube, you will be able to moderate comments a lot more easily now. There are new tools that will ensure you’re saving a lot of time by automatically blocking a few words and auto-approving some comments by fans. The only issue for most power YouTube users here will be the necessity to connect your Google+ profile with your YouTube one, which in turn also ensures that you need to use your real name on your YouTube profile now. It will also be a little difficult for most users who’re used to seeing the top comments followed by chronologically listed ones on YouTube for years now.

ReadMore:Android Games

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