Microsoft confirms Xbox One Blu-ray drive failures

Microsoft has managed to sell over a million Xbox One consoles in the first 24 hours following its launch, but a small yet vocal minority of users are complaining of hardware failures with the console's Blu-ray drive.

Launched in the UK at midnight last Friday, the Xbox One has been a smooth experience for most, but not all gamers. An increasing number of users are reporting their console has a faulty Blu-ray drive, which prevents it from loading disc-based games or films. When a disc is inserted into a faulty console, the software fails to appear on-screen and the unit itself makes a worrying clunking and grinding noise, indicative of actual hardware failure, rather than an easily-addressed software bug.

Microsoft has confirmed that the flaw exists, but also said only a handful of users will be unlucky enough to pick up one of the faulty models. "The issue is affecting a very small number of Xbox One customers," the company said in a press statement. "We're working directly with those affected to get a replacement console to them as soon as possible through our advance exchange program. Rest assured, we are taking care of our customers."

Microsoft has not yet provided a percentage of faulty consoles, unlike competitor Sony. Its rival PS4 console, launched a week earlier in North America and due to to hit the UK on Friday, has had its own share of hardware failures which the company claims affect less than one per cent of all consoles sold.

Microsoft has suggested that those with faulty consoles should only see downtime of a few days, as it will be making replacements available under a service programme that ships a new console, pending receipt of valid credit card details, before the old faulty unit has been collected.

Anyone with a faulty Xbox One is advised to contact Microsoft Support for details on how to get the console replaced.

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