Despite bad reviews, Google chooses to showcase Nexus 5 camera in new ads

Despite bad reviews, Google chooses to showcase Nexus 5 camera in new ads

The Nexus 5 hasn’t been receiving rave reviews, mostly because of its camera's shortcomings. Going by the news circulating the web and after dabbing with the camera in our first impressions of the Nexus 5, it is quite clear that the camera is no where close to the one in the LG G2. However, Google says otherwise and hopes to show that the camera is better than it actually is. It has released three new 16-second commercials that focus only on the phone’s camera abilities.The first spot shows the camera’s HDR+ ability. HDR+ takes pictures with multiple exposures, and then blends them together to create one picture. Google says this is the next-generation HDR mode. Here's the first ad:

Next up is the ad showcasing Photo Sphere, that Google debuted last year. This allows a great degree of flexibility when shooting panorama images. In Android 4.3, Photo Sphere received an update for improved alignment and stitching. Google says this is further improved with Android 4.4 KitKat.

Lastly, the third commercial focuses on the Auto Awesome feature that combines still photographs into a short animated clip, ready for sharing to social networks.

So what do you think of the new Google ads? Are they doing justice to your experience with the camera on the Nexus 5? Or is this just some more marketing hokum? Let us know.

ReadMore:Android Games

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