Twitter fiddles around with a brand new UI for Android beta app

Twitter fiddles around with a brand new UI for Android beta app

If you’re not already on Twitter’s Android beta testing app, you’re missing out on some fun. Twitter has been experimenting in a massive manner with the beta application and that includes some major overhauls as far as the user interface is concerned. In the second time in a matter of weeks, Twitter has completely refreshed the UI of the beta application on Android. The new UI does away with the hamburger style navigation and new tabs that made the application look too cramped for its own good. The tab bar is a lot more spaced out and has plenty breathing space despite the labels being all-text. Twitter’s just concentrating on Home, Discover and Activity as far as the tabs go.

More fiddling (Image creditL Android Police)

More fiddling (Image creditL Android Police)

Of course, this will make you wonder how you’re going to access your mentions. If you jog your memory back a bit, you’ll remember that Twitter revamped the Connect tab to Notifications. With this UI change, the notifications tab gets turned into a cute little icon of a bell situated next to the search icon. The row also contains an icon to straight off access Direct Messages. There’s a whole new row at the bottom of the screen where the compose button has been shifted. Giving it company are icons for camera and gallery. The placement is kind of awkward, especially since it’s situated right on top of the Home and Back buttons of your phone. Another important thing to be noted here is that there is still no tablet UI, as pointed out by Android Police. A better interface for tablets is a must for Twitter now. If you’re using the regular Android version of Twitter and don’t happen to like these designs, don’t worry since this is still in beta. There’s a very slight chance that this design will be rolled out to everyone, but by the looks of it, Twitter seems to only be having a bit of fun with the Android beta app right now.

ReadMore:Android Games

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