Inventory chart shows new iPad, Retina MacBook Pro coming up at Apple event

Inventory chart shows new iPad, Retina MacBook Pro coming up at Apple event

Apple’s indirect channel inventory snapshot has leaked even before the company’s October 22 event, suggesting that new Retina MacBook Pros, new iPads and a redesigned Mac Pro are on the menu-card. Apple Insider has managed to put together the inventory chart levels for Apple products, but warns that the data comes via one of Apple’s indirect channels that supports bigbox retailers and resellers and not channels that serve the company’s own online and retail store.

Inventory tells all

Inventory tells all

For example, the data from the channel has showed that revised 13 and 15-inch Retina MacBook Pros, new 9.7-inch iPad Retinas and Mac Pro could be coming up, with their inventory stocks running low. Comparatively, iPad mini and Apple TV products still show high inventory to very high inventory. It’s to be noted that levels for the Wi-Fi and LTE iPad mini are still shown as “average to low” and only the 16GB and 32GB Wi-Fi only iPad mini is shown to have “high” inventory level.

This pretty much points to the debut of a new 9.7-inch iPad at the event tomorrow. There have been several leaks pointing at a new iPad, even while they’ve been slow to come, they’ve been constant. This could also mean a new iPad mini with Retina display could also be making an appearance at the event, although the inventory points to the fact that Apple will continue to sell the older, non-Retina one too. Apple Insider does warn, though, that it could be possible that Apple has just recently ended up dumping its remaining inventory of iPad minis from direct to indirect channels in anticipation of a new launch.

ReadMore:Android Games

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