Chrome For iOS bug that reveals private browsing history is 'unavaoidable': Google

Chrome For iOS bug that reveals private browsing history is 'unavaoidable': Google

Following the new iPhone launches, Google rolled out a new update to add iOS 7 support for its Chrome for iOS. Along with some design changes and security fixes, the update also sees a bug in the incognito mode. The incognito mode isn’t private anymore.

This bug was discovered by a UK development and design firm Parallax. The issue occurs when one uses the search or address bar in the Incognito mode in the Chrome browser for iOS. The history shows up once the user returns to standard browsing in Google’s mobile website search bar. The guys at Parallax have also made a video showing the flaw.

Here’s the video showing the flaw in the Chrome for iOS:

It is known that Google is aware of the problem but can’t do anything to rectify it. Google told TechCrunch that it’s “an unfortunate but unavoidable loophole that comes with building a browser on iOS”. It said that it is also noted in the company’s support docs around Incognito mode.

Now, this could be a problem for iOS users who share their device with others and don’t want them to see the search history. The whole purpose of having an incognito mode for browsing then goes out of the window when your history is viewable by anyone. The incognito mode is used to give users the sense of security that what they're browsing or looking at is never going to be brought up by the browser again. Google seems to have forgotten this.

ReadMore:Android Games

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