Apple iPhone 5s thrashing iPhone 5c in US sales, according to new report -

Apple's polycarbonate plastic iPhone 5c is being thrashed in terms of sales by the more expensive iPhone 5s, according to new market research released this week.

As customers rush to get their hands on its more expensive sibling, the iPhone 5c is suffering from poor sales, according to research group Consumer Intelligence Research Partners. The sales gap could be as large as two to one in favour of the iPhone 5s.

said that CIRP’s survey of US shoppers shows that the 5s accounted for 64% of the total volume of iPhone purchases after its September. However, the 5c only accounted for 27% of these sales.

CIRP also noted that the old iPhone 4s accounted for the last 9% of iPhone sales. CIRP’s analysis is reveals that the 5c accounted for 27% of total iPhone sales over the September survey period, but this sales volume was found to be only a little ahead of the 23% sales market share achieved by the 4S during the same period last year.

"What’s more surprising is the iPhone 5c’s sales performance relative to that of the iPhone 4S’s following the debut of the iPhone 5. Despite the 5c’s newness and its colourful design, it’s not selling that much better than the 4S did when it was demoted to legacy iPhone by the flagship iPhone 5," the report pointed out.

It added that the iPhone 5 has apparently had "a slightly more successful debut" than the iPhone 5s, accounting for 68 % of new sales compared to the 64 % captured by the 5s.

“The relative performance of all three iPhones is generally in line with the performance of the similarly priced phones following the launch of the iPhone 5 in 2012,” CIRP co-founder Josh Lowitz told AllThingsD.

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